Friday, January 8, 2010

Hola! I'm super excited and happy! I mean yes, i got selected for a position in one of the companies i went for interview! It's exactly on Wednesday morning when they gave me a call early in the morning! I'm grateful but since i have one week to consider the offer, i'm still waiting for my OMD to come to pass! I mean if it doesn't, then so be it!

But i'm just so thankful because that means after my last day serving of 2 weeks notice, i will go for my holidays without the need to take leave and when i'm back.. the first working day i will be going to my new company! (whichever it will be in the end).
All the praying and the fasting and the thinking of it really came to pass! THANK GODDDDDD!

Anyway, super excited that tonight i'm gonna be L4D-ing with my buddies and off for supper! Breaking fast! And with the little sleep i will be getting, i will be off to JB tmr with some of my zone friends! That is gonna be exciting because we will go and chill and have our seafood dinner! Crab, Prawn, Cereal Crayfish, Tie Ban Tofu, Fish, KangKong Chill MORE and many many!!! Hehe.

Not too much of shopping for weiwen and i because we are storing our power for the upcoming BKK trip!

Till then, have a great weekend people!

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