Sunday, March 7, 2010

have not been updating this space for the longest time due to many things taking place..

of course many awesome things have been happening! gonna cut it short to give a preview of it!

1) came back from BKK and it was a good trip!
2) got a job in feb! got the nicest boss, colleagues and jobscope for now!
3) gotten my iphone!
4) signed up for gym just for $10! fully utilising it.
5) paintball with the buddies at JB! OMEGA...... ENCOURAGEMENT!
6) roped in to be involved as in-house YOG committee!
7) many catchup, meet ups.
8) business plan in-progress.
9) D&D Dinner @ Mandarin Orchard.
10) pledged for A&B for 4 months! SUNTEC CITY!

many exciting things coming up as well!

1) CG multiplication!
2) Youth Meeting with PK!
3) Gallery Launch in Apr! - with many VIPs coming!
4) reaping of blessings!!!!!!!!!!!!

stay tuned for more great stuff!

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