Saturday, August 22, 2009

That very one kind of feeling

I was looking at this picture in Deviant Art and i feel so relax.. I don't know why but i just feel good. Maybe i really enjoy spending quiet time alone at times. I still remember the times when i was in my old office in NS.. i totally enjoy the "alone" lifestyle because it gives me a lot of time to think about anything and everything. I got my fair share of thoughts, revelation and understanding about life and a lot of other stuff. Those were the times i feel so good and relax.

But of course, not forgetting *$ (Starbucks) has that very same effect too! Writing stuff on the serviettes, drinking my favorite blend or CM.. Reading a magazine and those nice songs in the store just makes the day better! Of course.. it musn't be crowded because.. it just a kill off to the atmosphere!

And the best way... right now at this moment for me to relax... is to...

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