Monday, August 24, 2009

My First Golfing Experience

Last Friday i decided to go out for lunch with one of my officers and my understudy, the one who proclaims and sneaks to my Facebook and declares that i love him or etc.. a CRAPPY guy indeed.

Usually i don't go for lunch (WHY STILL LIKE THAT?!) and i would sleep in for an hour or so to just get back my lovely sleep due to all the late nights which never seems to end.

So after a good lunch at Long House.. The both of them decided to go some golfing! At first, i thought they were going to return some clubs because recently my branch has been busy with some golf events which my boss was put In Charge.

So well, i decided to follow them and DAAA DAAA ! I was there and tried out a few shots! I tell you.. I REALLY CMI.. Cannot Make it! First of all, i just can't get it and secondly.. i'm using a right hander's club which makes it even harder for a noob like me! GOSHHH. It was crazy!

Here's me trying my best to hit it.. BUT... SIGHHHHH.

Well, it was fun but definitely not my cup of tea, kopi or teh-si! But i'm sure i would love to try again..

Talking about trying new sports.. i would love to pick up tennis!!! Anyone? I have a tennis racket! But i don't use it man!!!! I want to make good use of the racket!! :)

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