Friday, August 21, 2009

Job Job Job Hunting!

Yes! The reason for looking for a job now is that i will be finishing my NS term in 3 weeks time! Which means 14 more working days! And i'm gonna use my 4 days leave wisely by taking half day 8 times! HAHA. Well.. I just got to make full use of it!

Anyway.. getting out of NS now might not be a very good time because it seems that i will be quitting a job that doesn't allow resignation or are there any retrenchment! (grrr) So for the past 3 weeks, i have been going to Jobstreet website to look out for jobs and asking my friends to see if there are any offers! So far.. i had a few offers! But i'm really believing for better ones to come in which means better location, better pay!

All things gonna work out well! Believing! After all, i think it's not difficult to get a job.. it's difficult to get a job to match your criteria! Maybe or maybe not.. i cannot be that choosy! It's my first proper job anyway!

I hope the next time round i post an entry.. is that i have gotten a very gooooooooooood job!

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