Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Leader's Outing + Nerf Fight!

What a wonderful Sunday we just had! We had our Leaders' Meet Up at Edmund Tay's place! We were excited about the new game we gonna play..... NERF!

Thanks to some of the leaders who decided to invest on it and it could well be a game that we can play within subzone or compete with one another! So we played, we had fun! We basically set up boundaries and barriers so as to prevent the "bullet" from hitting us! To think that this game caused a lot of us to have thigh cramps... because we had to duck and squat from barriers to barriers! I TELL YOU... PAIN.....

So while relaxing.. this is what they do... Haha.

So the star player of the Nerf challenge is non other than..

Well, it's quite obvious lah uh? :))

So we fellowshipped, eat and had lot's of talking! Then we proceeded to play some games organised by Keith!

First, it was this game called the Balderdash or something where we had to come up with a creative definition of the word given by Keith and the most creative and trustable definition will of course have teams to vote for them. I was in the team made up by Ed Tay, Bernice and Jing! We were the Co-Champion for this game! Absolutely love it! HAHA. Of course the new word HUMMUM and ICHIBOO stays in my mind even till now. HAHA.

Had another game and the objective is to use those colorful pieces and form the word given.. It was tough man!!

Overall, good fun, good food, good fellowship! COOL man! :))

HAHA. Yes, last group photo and we went home.... with my legs feeling the cramp still.. Can't wait for the next outing!

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