Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Potential vs A Pot of Curry

Yes i know.. what does potential have to link with CURRY?! I was giving BS to two of my members on Monday evening and i was sharing with them on fellowship! So basically we went through the norm but out of the norm, i had a further revelation of it!

One part of the BS was about us having special abilities and talents but all these good stuff are not just for ourselves, but also to help others!

I always see the creativity and the talent in the CG.. People who can draw, design, video-shoot, dance and many many more. How do they use all these to serve God?

It's really like a pot of curry.. We know what is inside of it.. but only until we open the lid, there we can smell that awesome smell..

People must be release and be given a chance to do whatever that adds value to the group because that is the uncapping of the potential of what ANY one can do in the KOG.

I'm looking forward to 911, because.. it's the time for potential to uncover itself to its fullest!

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