Thursday, August 20, 2009

Skipping ?!

Yes! I have been skipping a lot! Not school, not NS (Though some of you may beg to differ) and definitely not my meals! (Yes yes, i just love to eat! Who doesn't?)

Anyway, yes i'm back to my old love exercise which is Skipping! I finally act on what i have been thinking and talking about by buying the rope! It is really cheap and good sport and i was so so excited that very night i skipped 2200 times! Oh.. a bit more for you.. i was National Skipping Champion when in my primary school! COOL HOR. HAHA

That was a lot i tell you and i really had very bad aches on my calves the next morning i woke up. HAHA. I was talking to a few friends and they said that skipping really helps to lose the mass and swee told me that its good to lose face fats! Maybe it will work for me! YOU GUYS OUT THERE, MAY MY HEAD WILL BECOME SMALLER LAH! :)

1.Skipping rope can be beneficial in your exercise to lose weight. It is so effective in burning calories that an hour of skipping rope will make you burn up to 1000 calories.

2.Strengthens your bones and increases your stamina and endurance.

3.It makes you more vigilant and alert. It increases your attention skills.

4.Skipping enhances flexibility and athletic abilities. It improves your reflexes, balance and posture.

5.It tones your muscles in arms, legs and abs.

6.Without running it speeds your heart rate like that of a runner and so requires a lot of energy to maintain a good fitness point.

So join me to skip more! BUT PLEASE.. SKIP YOUR ROPE! NOTHING ELSE!

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