Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

I went for my Wisdom Tooth Extraction appointment yesterday. I was actually feeling quite nervous about it because i have been hearing all the painful stories about it. I nearly wanted to postpone but decided i should be a MAN and just go through it. Moreover, if i don't go soon, i will have to fork out my own cash for the surgery as i will not be covered by SPF by then. Thank you "Ah Gong"! If you know what i mean. HAHA.

I was there half an hour earlier and i waited for a while. While waiting, a malay girl came out of the surgery room and looks okay. Her mum was asking whether was it painful, she said it wasn't. That really make me feel a little better. HAHA.

I went in, had to sign some forms that in case the surgery cause some permanent numbness to your tongue, they will not be responsible for it.

Okay so i was asked which side i want to extract first because i have 4 wisdom tooth and i'm only taking 2 out.

Okay, so when i decided, i was ask to go to the surgery room.. that's where the real thing happens. I lied down and they were really nice, making sure i'm okay and everything.

They covered my eyes with 2 pads so that i won't see what i shouldn't see. They injected to my gums and soon after, i felt the numbness. So.. now.. the doctor was like

"Okay david.. i will be drilling and cutting your lower wisdom tooth." Well, it sounded fine.. BUT when the sound came on.. it was really scary. It looks like the doctor was using...

But thankfully.. it was quite okay for me for the surgery part although constantly i was really afraid they would drill my tongue or something.. and i make sure my tongue stayed still!

When they are done, i thought to myself.. well, seems easy.. think it's gonna be okay for the extraction.. BUT no! it was really painful for me during the extraction part. They literally applied full force to pluck the tooth out.. I was really in pain that i had to stop the doctor and he offered another jab to numb further. Of course, i accepted it immediately! The pressure was really really strong and hard for me to bear even when the 2nd jab was given. Well, still.. had to endure through.

This must be what they used! Oh man.. i got a little phobia when i go for the 2nd round!

Well, thank God that till today.. there is no pain. Probably the strong effect of the painkiller. I mean painkillerS. I thought i will be talking lesser or something but.. i think i shocked a lot of people by talking a lot. HAHA. I was even drinking Starbucks after that. Man... i hope the 2nd round would be as good as this, less the painful extraction part! :)

1 comment:

background check said...

tooth extraction is the most valuable business resource we have EVER purchased. I use tooth extraction often. tooth extraction is the most valuable business resource we have EVER purchased.