Thursday, July 16, 2009


Hellooo, yes i know i have not been blogging because i'm really lazy + yahh.. actually just very lazy to do it.

Anyway, it was an awesome week! Last week AR. Bernard came and really preached a word in season to me! Was really excited throughout the week and i was just working on the revelation and transform this to my cg project. Everyone will be involved and be on the same page!

I'm just very excited what God is gonna kick start in the cg and i really really pray that every single one in the cg will not be weary but really treat this project that i will be sharing with them as something that they will take it as their own!

Anyway, i think i got an enlightenment in a sense that the question asked was so timely about what i'm gonna do after my ORD in less than 2 months time.. Probably gonna work first! Already sent 2 resume to my reservist friends that came and hoping for good paying jobs with awesome environment and working time to come!!!!!!!! GOD, hear my prayer! If you read my blog, do pray for me too!

Right direction comes with acknowledging God daily.

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