Thursday, August 13, 2009

Updates to update

I love this picture very much! It explains how most of us.. having being equipped.. but are blinded even though the harvest are just right in front of you! Evermore, i'm more eager to reach my friends again! That was a revelation to me.. or rather.. it serves as a reminder.

Anyway i had my 2nd operation on my wisdom tooth and it was equally successful! I personally feel that the stories of it being really painful is kind of overated and it just probably serves to scare you! HAHA maybe, i was really blessed to escape from the painful experience!

Things i did:

Met Cassandra after so long! I was somehow sabotaged to go roller blading! Though it was 1 hour.. i found myself falling in love with it! 2nd round? :) Good catch up with her!

Met Caroline at PS. Good catchup! And she was promoting BBB all the way! I still prefer IPHONE. :)

Did some stunts which created surprises. Glad it work out.

Passion for God. i thought of an acronym. It was really a 5 min thought through which i think was really amazing, yet impactful! Gonna share during cell!

I wanna impart, i wanna share, i wanna impact, i wanna see change.

I really hope for this hope to realize. GOD!

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