Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sunday ET Newcomer's Tea/AGM/Sharing

We had a very good ending for the relationship service with the drama hitting the roof! Many of us were left speechless and laughing our hearts out! Good job to our Church's Drama Team. They never fail to amaze and it was a daring effort man!

Anyway, after service, the youth cell groups from the zone @ Expo side were gathered at the conference rooms for exciting events! We had ice breakers -> light tea break -> videos -> more games and a powerful and impactful testimony by our very own Edward aka BAO GE.

Very sure that they had lotsa fun and i think the friends understood that we are more than just a group, but we are a family!

So after the session, we rushed down for our AGM and man.. it was my 1st time attending it! I was quite clueless at the beginning of the things being done. HAHA. It was really an experience! Right after AGM,  Ps Tan shared something about a new initiative! Like what shing said, he was really inspiring and i too was captivated by his sharing! Way way awesome!

Went dinner with the leaders and had a good time SUAN-ing. When you put Joseph and David together.. HAHA.. shing will tell you what to expect!

A very packed sunday but was very very fruitful! :)

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