Sunday, April 26, 2009

Go Green @ Henderson Wave!


No man, that's not what GO GREEN means when it comes to our sub-zone this week! It was an highly anticipated event which includes lots of effort and sweat involved!

After our church service with Dr.John Avanzini, which i believed all of us had been greatly blessed, we gathered as a sub-zone to go through the briefing with Jared before we head off to Vivo City.

Everything was fine especially the weather! Hot and Sunny..... but while we were having our lunch, it suddenly rained and i mean it really rained! After waited for a while, we decided to commence with the game despite the rain! We twisted the game plan and decided to push the last station of our race to the first station after the warm up game which teams had to run around Vivo City to answer the questions being prepared for them.

Meanwhile, the game led by Joanne was shifted to the Amphitheatre @ Level 3 Vivo City. It was during this time that the rain slowly subsided and we decided to go ahead with the rest of the game!

After Vivo, the teams had to go through the Marang Trail to reach the next station near the "Jewel Box", a restaurant up there @ Mt Faber. So they had their first really station game called "Ping Ping Pong Pong"! In theme with the hottest sport in Singapore and the latest show which 2 up and coming stars were acting, we had a game of Table Tennis! Had fun there!

Me giving them instructions on where to go next..

So from my station, we walked all the way past all the other stations to get to the end point. Cutting it short, we had Visa Dance where teams had to do that and improvise the steps as well, according to the music we played for them through the radio! Had also the PASSING game where thrash bag and a waterbomb was used. Go and guess how it was being played. I had no idea how to explain. HAHA. WHAT? That's why i'm not the game master of that station what!

Next up, before we ended it off, we had to show the teams a little dance (Click here!) which was darn popular in Taiwan. They had to learn within 15mins and show to the rest of the sub-zone! It was super funny!

End of our demo. Image ruined.

Look at how happy peilin was! We are indeed honored to have half of the BY-2 to dance for us!

I wonder.. since when we taught lionel this move! OMG.

So before we ended the day, selected few displayed their talents to all of us present there and we had a good laugh! It was messy but it was meant to be!

How to end it without the sub-zone group photo?!

Next week, we have more exciting things coming up, stay tuned!!

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