Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Where is a GOOD & CHEAP Holiday location?

Holiday Holiday Holiday!!

I just need more money and time for another short trip!

Yes, i know i just came back from Bangkok 2 months ago. but man, the experience of leaving Singapore for a while to take a breather is indeed awesome. Putting aside everything and enjoy the moment (not exactly true).
So since i have completed BF officially, it means there is a portion of money that i can either save it up or for holidays!

So i have been checking out a few places with various airlines and recommendations!


If you are a reader of ohsofickle.blogspot.com, Tammy was sponsored a trip to Bandung and man i think she enjoyed herself there with all the cheap shopping in all those factory outlets!

How cheap is it?!

Airasia is currently offering a good deal @ less than $150 two way flight!

2 - Bangkok

Of course, the picture suggested a lot of idea of whether you should go bangkok now. haha but then again, when february was a time of protesting and chaos there, we went ahead and had a goood goood time shopping there. I even wore red on the last day! Unless there is a closure of the airport, if not i still think it's good to go. If you are daring enough. ha ha ha.

How much?!

Budget air like Tiger is offering around $150-$170 depending on the timing of the flight you want.

There is never enough of BKK and i want to go back there and take a photo of "Chi Chi" for all my friends here and you all know why i was so devastated. HA!

And of course, if i have a higher budget to spare.... i would love to visit...


Yes! Japan! I always wanted to go there as it is the Fashion Hub of Asia! Heard so much about that place and i want to experience it myself! Shopping and eating are gonna be awesome. The only factor is that it's gonna be very expensive. I heard my friend saying that one of her friends went and came back, spending $3k plus. I might as well buy my gibson acoustic guitar?! HAHA. so dream on david till you have lotsa of money to spare.

How much?!!!

Singapore Airline is offering an incredible deal @ $660! I think it's one of the best rates consider taking one of the best airlines in the world today. Someone enlighten me if there is somewhere cheaper! I'm really looking forward to go there in the near future man.

I seriously hope i'm able to go to one of these destination soon, esp no. 3! Where would you love to go? Tag or comment and let me know your choice!

Maybe one of the airlines i mentioned will reward me for publicising for them. HAHA. Who knows. Anything can happen!

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