Friday, January 16, 2009


Ever since i fell sick about 2 weeks ago, most of the weekdays of mine were spent at home. What has really got me to go home everyday after work? you must have asked.

It was really about saving money which i would have spent if i'm outside and also about spending time with my grandparents at home! It was really part of my goal this year to stay home and do some fellowship and i have been keep it well!

The thing is that... recently Channel 8 has started one show called the "Reunion Dinner" which got me and my grandma glued to the TV faithfully everyday.

I mean yeah, the storyline was so-so, the people acting the show are no hot babes or so.. but it was really the stupid action and things they said that made me and my grandma laughing like 2 mad people every other day.

Many of you who hang out with me would have know that it is really the "SGT LEONG" "YES MDM" of that show that make me so siao about it.

Okay, enough of that. Was a little tired from yesterday's Amazing Race that was organised for the reservist to play.. and guess what! Nick Chor was also recalled back for this activity!

Tired as i maybe, but am really excited as we enter to the weekends! Gonna have a great time sharing the vision for the cell group and great time fellowshipping!

Till then! :)

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