Tuesday, January 20, 2009


For Jinlian's birthday celebration, go to Shing's blog.

Yesterday was an off day for me as i have promised seth and alvin for the JB trip as they attempt to buy the whole city square down. HAHA.

It was great fun talking and spending some time with them as the later part of last year were very busy for the 3 of us, individual commitment and ministry to handle. As Seth wanted to have more rest, we only reached JB at 130pm and there we started our shopping craze!

We visited Danga City Mall, the newest mall in JB (cannot make it) and Holiday Plaza where u get all your "Chiong" stuff from.

Nono.. i didn't shop like how i did the last time round 1 week ago. They have bag loads of stuff while i bought the only item of the day, a bag which i have been looking for! good price for that!

I think the best part was the eating as we went to a market near Holiday Plaza for seafood! We only paid 29RM per person and we were full like crazy. Good food indeed though Seth said there are better ones.... Can Singapore have cheaper seafood?

The other time i went with weiwen and the both tims to have dinner at bugis.. Each of us paid $15 for something that's worth lesser than what i ordered yesterday.... how SIAN can that be!!!

Left JB only around 9+ and that was a long journey back home from Woodlands to Bedok.

After so much foood... got to go gym later!!!!

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