Monday, January 26, 2009

Celebrating my Grandma's Birthday!

Today as i begin to wake up, i was plotting on how to surprise my grandma as she was clueless that i have liaise with all my uncles and aunties plus my mum to celebrate my grandma birthday. My grandma has asked not to let everyone know that its her birthday because most of them only remember her lunar birthday. So as to appreciate her.. i decided to gather all of them to give her a good birthday surprise!

As it approaches 4pm.. my uncle and aunt started coming group by group and my grandma was rather puzzled on why everyone actually gathered @ our house as we had 2 different groups of reunion dinner this year. She was too happy to think as it was quite a rare scene to see everyone in the internal family to come together, same place same time!

So as everyone gathered, we got her to go to the room and talk because she kept on asking everyone to eat and keep hanging in the kitchen! so as she was in the room. my 2nd uncle and i prepare the cake! Sorry no photo and i totally forgotten about it!!!

but nevertheless, as everyone was ready, we asked her out and we started singing the birthday song! I TELL YOU, i think today she had the day of her life man! she was smiling, smiling and smiling as we sang her the birthday song! She made a wish blow the cake and thats pretty much end the whole thing.

Though it was short celebration, but she kept telling me again and again on how happy she was and of course.. partly because everyone gathered together!!



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