Saturday, November 1, 2008

A Perfect Moment?


Is there a perfect moment for anything?

Think it is difficult to have a moment like this. Things didn't happen because of a perfect situation.

Things don't happen by itself. We make it happen.

By faith, by believing it.

Don't even believe, yeah.. don't even talk about it.

After reading amber's entry, i began to have an understanding, which is oooo. At least to my situation now. BUT in every situation i know, God is greater than that.

Anyway, in less than 24 hrs time, we are pledging for our 4th Arise and Build! Really excited and believing God for a lot more things, be in spiritual life, ministry and in whatever i'm doing, there will be a breakthrough. I can't wait to pledge and i can't wait to give.

Sooooooo Let's really Arise and Build!

Be led by the Spirit..

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