Monday, October 27, 2008



Today is deepavali and thank God it's on a Monday which means i don't have to go to work on Monday! HAHA.

But then today it's gonna be a relaxing day for me!(which Monday isn't?!)

But i just got to talk about yesterday's service which really really thrown me out of my seat, literally. Not that i fell asleep or what but it was so awesome because issues are being tackled and then a lot of confirmations were being shown through that 1 hour of preaching. And it simply unveil a lot of stuff man.

And i just felt it's so timing to make this whole week a special one..

Anyways, some photos taken on Sat where we went to support some pageant manhunt thing organised by SIM. Actually, no.. support jody who was the host for that event. Good job!



The few photos simply means that i went off early. hahaha.

So to end this.. SALLY, happy deepavali. :)

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