Tuesday, November 11, 2008



The whole week of morning prayer was really good and refreshing, though i missed the very first day of it due to oversleeping.. and literally overslept for my work as well..

On wed was something speciai, because i saw a whole lot of things in my spirit. i was very excited and to think of it.. i thought i had fallen asleep and was dreaming actually. Oh yes, i can dream within minutes..

On saturday, we had our very "BLING PARTY" @ Riverwalk. This was one of the bigger scale events that we have done and like what jerb has mentioned on her blog, we had a whole lot of "FIRST TIME" in our zone, and that includes me leading praise for the very first time! Well, it could have been better, more energy could have been released. But well.. hahaha i'm no bro poh.. still learning.. still progressing. It was all well, had the kid's central host coming as well as one of lucas'' NS buddy for a beatbox session!

Though it was a long session, believe that many have enjoyed and on 15th of NOV, there will be another round of BLING! INVITE UR FRIENDS!!!

Had a long long day in expo on sunday, and right after having dinner.. i knocked out @ 10pm till the next morning.. that was how tired physically i was.. but in the spirit i remain excited!! More to come!

I was very happy that i managed to catch up with James.. U might not see this, but i will be praying for you bro. TIll your back! Take care!

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