Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Post Camp Entry

Hey guys, finally back to post an entry again.. Past few weeks have been really busy due to J&J wedding, Camp Phenomena planning and every other thing that came all at one go! It was really tiring but definitely the most exciting time.

A little about the camp was that Camp Phenomena 2008 ended so well! Really thank God for protection and especially the weather! Was glad that it only rained during the 2nd night session in the hall. It was so warm but the rain came and cooled the whole place.. I believe this camp had definitely impacted many hearts, forged many friendship and a stronger relationship with God.

Has been asking and browsing different blogs for entries about the camp. The feedback was rather positive and most find it enriching and more spiritual. I guess that is what the camp is all about, Stepping Out from where we are, to where God wants us to be! I'm really looking forward for the next camp as it is gonna be more exciting, more fun and more encounters!

Lastly, i thank God for the theme song. It was only finalised a few days before the camp and i guess it was a blast! It talks about Jesus turning us upside down and empower us to do great things for Him!

So guys, let's STEP OUT and run the race well with Jesus!

God oh God
Take a hold of me
All over all over
God oh God
Take a hold of me
All over all over
God oh God
Take a hold of me
Turn me upside down
Let's make history
Let your power get inside me
Show me all i can be

Take a hold of me!

Till then, It's gonna be an exciting week because it's Edmund and Minghui's Big Day!!

1 comment:

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