Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Leader's Meeting with Rev Jeffrey Rachmat

Yesterday night's meeting with Rev Jeffrey Rachmat was AWESOME! Rev Jeffrey is the senior pastor of Jakarta Praise Community Church, where Sidney Mohede and his team of True Worshippers come from. It was indeed an amazing time, having them leading us for a time of Praise and Worship!

I wasn't exactly expecting anything much or should i say i don't know what to expect at all, but man.. Rev Jeffrey really blew my mind off! He spoke on Leadership and the life cycle of an organisation, which many of us, if not all would have been able to identify.

The willingness to start all over again is important because it keeps the group in the prime state.

11 is 1 at the next level.

Leadership is about adding value to the people.

Trust and Comfort is the key factor in delgating responsibilities and authority.

And i really think this message came at the right time especially for my cell group. Since our group has 8 connect group leaders, which is ALOT! and i think those who went surely would agree that it set them thinking and have a better understanding on how to create the best environment for their group members to grow and excel with their potential being uncapped.

After the meeting, we celebrated garvin's birthday! Mind you, he is 36 this year! If you don't know who is he, he was one of the heroes, Bruce (Bruise) Lee for our Camp Phenomena Night Game! After praying for him, we surprised Bro Edmund again with cake, song and even a POEM! It was really cool and funny.

And the best thing was we also surprised Sis Jiahui when she came to pick Bro Edmund up. Stay in view for the video which only Shing has it.

And lastly, just wanna wish Sis Jiahui, Fiona Tan, my cell member and Leny Chia a.....


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