Friday, October 9, 2009

My Job Scope: Media planning and buying + surfing net

Hey hey hey! It has been a week of work @ my new workplace, Starlight Advertising and i don't know what's my feeling of this job.. Reasons?
The people are nice, bosses are nice! They have helped me to adapt very well to the office. The office is located @ Ubi and this is a plus-plus point for me! For the past few days, i woke up at 8am and find myself in office by 9am. It's like an envious routine the rest of my colleagues are talking about. The food is good, and basically.. down here.. i get to do whatever i want as long as i finished my work!
The people here are kind of "old"? OLD as in.. really old! Guess what.. the long service award goes to Michael, who have been working in Satrlight for 45 years.... and going strong! Scary man..
So what do i do in the office?
Basically for now.. i'm in charge of booking advertisements for client's in classified ads which i will slowly move on to booking of media space in magazine, tv, radio or outdoor ads! Yes, it's kind of boring for the start because everyday i have to deal with a lot of paper work which i really hated.
And of course, more than the paper work is the eye for details to make sure everything goes on smoothly for the ad to finally be published!
Well, i do scheduling as well for monthly clients.. and we got quite interesting base of clients ranging from all the cheena companies..... to the likes of Robinson, Prima, NEA, MCYS and many many more! The boss was telling me that they once did an ad for CHC too! For receiving the ISO!
Well, i believe there's more for me to learn but.. haha my feeling is that.. i will learn as much as i can for now and see how it goes in 3 months or maybe lesser? haha depends whether my boss increase my pay................................. FAT HOPE.
Of course.. lastly.. my jobscope includes.. surfing net like how i'm blogging now. :)

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