Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sipped and Slipped

Why this title? Read and find out more!

On Wednesday night, we decided to have a group dinner as Cinthia, Nadia and Caroline will be going back home to Indonesia for around 2 months! :(

We had our dinner at Esplanade Glutton Bay as we want to go easy for dinner and spend longer time at our chill out place.

So together with the Indo Girls, Peilin, Nick, Alex, Fiona, Hongxiang and i had a quick meal there and we went to One Fullerton's Starbucks. Sabrina came to join us after her lesson.

The whole stretch of One Fullerton was filled with people as it was Ladies Night and the club ButterFactory is just located there.

So to avoid the crowd as well as the humid weather.. we took the seats inside and we really had a good time fellowshipping except the fact that there was different channel because the Indo Girls are talking in their Bahasa at the normal speed x 3.

Sipping my Caramel Machiatto.

It was getting late so we made our way back to City Hall..

Sab and i

Peilin and Fiona

Sab, Cinthia, Nadia - Class 1B (Missing: Sweemin)

The girls

A surprise shot, but we were all so ready to post.

Saw a cool Vespa, and took photo of it. COOL.

Group Photo!

And so.. the pair that is going off wanted a photo together so i was trying to move backwards and i ended up tripping the step! Slipped and FELL.

I was in a daze for a few seconds and they just pose and there the shot was taken.

How come i lost my balance?!

WHY DID I FALL?! (ARGH) Irritating peilin laughed so loud.. You die liao!

Anyway... GOOD FELLOWSHIP! And there we went off and to catch our last train/buses.

Am very excited for this week's cg because we gonna have many people coming and an awesome time fellowshipping! :)

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