Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A day in Chinatown

As Vesak Day falls on last Saturday, thus Police Force had an OFF in due for us and i decided to claim the Monday off!

So i decided to meet Weiwen to go Chinatown together as he had the day off too!

Our objective for this trip is to really explore Chinatown and of course, we heard hair products in Chinatown are selling really cheap! That kind of excites us! HAHA.

Before we started our shopping, we went to eat!

We saw this really really long queue of Yong Tau Foo but due to time constraint, we had to give it a miss and settle for the other store's.

Well, i thought it was SO-SO only. But the Xiao Long Bao we had was awesome! A bite and the sauce flows out.. MAN.. Heavenly..

So then after our lunch, we went to shop for our hair product! We went to a few shops and the first shop that we went to was the best! It has the most variety of products! The prices are equally cheap among the 3 shops.

Weiwen and i settled for this! Actually, i really prefer L'oreal over Gatsby. Now i got a cheaper deal and it's $3-$4 cheaper than the retail price outside! WOOHOO. Quite a steal.

So after this, we decided to shop at this People's Park Complex where we had the Durian Pancake! Super good! The durian was so rich man.. and we had 2 of it! I know i know i got to cut down but then... yeah it was simply irresistable! HAHA.

So when we were checking out that mall, we came across many many foot reflexology shops and massage parlor. So i was telling Weiwen that out of so many, i believe there will be a few that comes with "Extra Service", if you know what i'm talking about. Weiwen said all the shops should be "Clean".

So we decided to see how many "ES" shops are there in that mall.

And of course, there were 2 shops that seem really really sleazy! We saw this indian uncle.. coming out from an empty shop, with a China lady and he was smiling, grinning his way out! Weiwen and i was laughing really hard because we really think he did not just go there for massage.

That explains why..

Durian Pancake - $1.20, Yong Tau Foo, $3.50, Seeing an Indian Uncle coming out of the Massage Parlor grinning.. PRICELESS! HAHAHA.

Okay, that aside.. we really had a long long walk and we practically walked through the whole Chinatown in 3hours! It was really fun and enjoyable! It's good to visit there once in every 2-3 months because it gives a different feel from the normal Orchard Road or City Hall.

Know any GOOD bargains or GOOD Food in Chinatown? Tag and share with me!!

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