Monday, December 15, 2008

So Longgggg


After so long, Finally decided to write something on this dying (DEAD) blog. So many things have happened since the last time i have blogged, and a lot of you must have seen thru many other blogs that what had happened in November was way way awesome.

2 of the most significant events were in November! ASIA CONFERENCE which was soooo awesome that i think i can just go on with this kind of lifestyle forever.... going for conference, workshop... everything about AC was so goood.

Of course, right after AC was my birthday... yeah yeah.. really appreciate the effort from various groups of people as well as individuals..

Gifts upon gifts.. i mean.. sorry i don't have the pictures of those gift that i received but hey...

1) i got a t shirt from my Indo friend, Feb.

2) i got a shirt from Taiwan friend, daisy.

3) i got a t shirt from the cell group, from Topman.

4) i got an esprit t shirt from the zone + Capitaland vouchers.

5) I got love offerings from my usual cliques.

6) Lucas got me ed hardy voucher.

7) Jared & Jerb blessed me with an Adidas T shirt with my name printed on it + love offering.

8) I got treats here and there.

8) I got myself 3 jackets.. @ VERY affordable price.

How can i say it wasn't a good month for me? haha.


OEI JOO. I BLOGGED LIAO. ON SUNDAY 2AM i said i blog tmr... i did do what i said!


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