Monday, September 8, 2008

Pre-destined or Not.

In bible school, i learnt about the Pre-destination of a person through the Calvinism. It was really interesting because half the time we are really debating on our mind about what was been taught and how can we really reach a conclusion on that. Well, that's why God is God and His ways are higher than ours, thoughts are higher than ours too.

So recently, through a small talk, the debate about this particular matter got me interested in finding out more on this again.

Did God really choose some to be saved and some not to?

If God chose ALL to be saved, then probably now, everyone should be saved and churches around the world will be flooded.

Bible says, Many are called, but few are chosen.

But when we have this Pre-destined thing, we also have something called the free-will.

If we have freewill, you must be thinking.. those who are not chosen to be saved.. they don't have freewill to make a decision.

But we must also understand that, God is sovereign and God is ALL KNOWING. That would probably mean that He knows who will choose the Way and who will reject it in a sense. So i do think that God, being God definitely considered and did His research and screen through everyone of us before He chose.

And of course, free-will is definitely applicable to us. It just a matter of making the right decision. Because the right decision brings you closer to your purpose at a faster pace, while the wrong decision will just bring you further away. BUT, like how God answered my question 2 years ago, no matter what decision you make, you will still fulfill your purpose, but as a matter of time. UNLESS, you choose to give up. That is when you probably can't reach your purpose, because you already lost the will to carry on, the will to fulfill whatever that is within you..

So are you making the right decision today? Don't give up!

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