Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I was quite late for work today, simply because i'm really getting a little tired of work and the effort made just to get to my workplace. Well as i was rushing and i forgot to plug in to my ipod, i was just stoning throughout my journey. And i simply just thought of what makes up Love.

I have a friend who has his nick as.. "Love is when i saw my mum brewing a cup of coffee for dad, but before handing it to him, she test whether is it too hot for him"

Someone says: "Love is friendship set on fire"

Another says: "Love is a glimpse of heaven"

But we also know from the bible, what is love and we know that God is love. but as i came in to the office and look through 1 Corinthians.. i looked beyond the normal first few verses in "Love is patience, Love is kind".

It says..

LOVE bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things and endures all things.

Just like God, who is able to bear with all our wrong-doings, our bad attitudes, our whining and grumbling and of course all the bad habits, so on and so forth.

Just like God, who believes we are a generation who can shine for Him, glorify Him in everything that we do. Though we may not be the best out there, but we make do with what we have to bring out the best..

Just like God, who hopes that everyone get the best we desire, the things that we want and without fail.. having hope in us, never cast us away, but keep us in His will. All things work out good for those who Love Him.

Just like God, who is our finisher and author of our Faith, who is at the finishing line, cheering us on, encouraging us to endure whatever that comes our way, because when the enemy comes like a flood, God will raise the standard of His people.

Love has all these 4 components, God has all these 4 too..

That's why God is love.

Desiring to be more like God? Then in every area of our lives.. our love for people must carry the BBHE..

I love by bearing with the faults of someone. Looking at the positive rather than the negative.

I love by believing that things will be exactly what it will be according to the visualisation we have in our mind.

I love by hoping for the best, hoping that every thing will work out nicely, well and good.

I love by enduring the things that comes our way, for what goes through the fire, then it can be counted as gold. Saying goes that, what doesn't kill makes it stronger.

Oh man.. i feel like a 4 points sermon. muahahahaahhaa. Enjoy!

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