Friday, August 22, 2008

The end of 2 weeks of Morning Devotion!

Today marks the end of 2 weeks of waking up as early as 515am to go for Morning Prayer from Monday - Friday. It was a great time with God as he begin to put thoughts and matters into my mind, about cell group, personal life etc etc..

Though it was tiring and with Jared constant suaning me about my eyebags, i thought it was really a fruitful time where i can seek God's face. Seriously, i'm really not a morning person and giving the time, i will really sleep my day thru. But as i set to discipline myself to go for the Morning Devotion, i think something begin to change and it's really encouraging to see the things that are happening now.

Prayer indeed brings about a change to situations and Theresa probably would know what i mean and not agree less than that. ((:

Probably the next Morning Devotion is going to start somewhere in Nov but i was hoping that every month can have a week of that! It's really quite addictive. (Not for the food and the Starbucks voucher of course!)

Wanna make special mention to those who came down, people like Kailin, Valerie, Sweemin, Peilin, Jesric, Yiling for coming to pray as much as you all can. Proud of you and believing that through prayers, we as well as the cell group can grow up to another level!

Till then, let's see breakthroughs in our lives, ministry and Church!!

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