Monday, March 24, 2008

Long Week but A Day to Rest..

Finally a long week's over! Well, last week was kind of hell for me.. Apart from the intensive followup on the cell, The next thing that happened was a sudden recall for something shouldn't have take place.. All i can say was... Security lapsed or rather complacency. I shall not elaborate more on that.. Good thing was that case was closed and that is really what matters.

So came Friday-Sunday where we had our Easter Celebration! Really awesome, where the drama team has really reached a new level of breakthrough but giving a twist to the idea of Easter Drama. Comtemporary, yet able to capture the hearts of the people. Kudos! Our group has a total of 36 friends for this easter.. Well, it wasn't the ideal figure, but we are still gratful to God because things might have gotten worse if not for the prayer and fasting. W212, you guys have done well as a whole but I also want to make special mention to a few members in the group..

Shawn teo- You have really to the extra effort and step out of your comfort to invite your friends. With 7 friends, you are the top evangelist of the group! Awesome!

Isaac leong - Yes you as well, you've done a good job by inviting and the idea to book a london cab to make sure u fetch every single friend you can.. Good job with 7 friends as well!

Jasmine and Shayne - Both of you, though had a drop at the last moment, but nevertheless, you all done well with 7 friends! Never mind the numbers, but i'm sure your efforts are worth mentioning.

Debbie - Well, i know you are disappointed with how things goes this week, especially at moments where your friends can't make it. But it's okay, let's believe that next big day, its gonna be great! NVSS revival is still at your hands.

Well, now this whole week shall be dedicated to retention! I believe that though the numbers were a little less this time round, but nevertheless, God can do a miracle to the retention!

Oh yes, i also have taken the day off from work, because due to lack of sleep for the last 1 week.

Getting ready for this week!

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