Friday, January 4, 2008


Here i am.. being late for 3 days! I just wanna thank everyone for 2007. It has indeed been a tremendous year! And i would like to mention a few of you that somehow has impacted me in a way or two in 2007!

It is so great to be able to spend my 2007 under your leadership. Under you.. i have learnt a lot and i thank you for being a friend rather than just a leader to me. Your advice has definitely made me do the right thing at different circumstances. Looking forward to do greater things in W212 with you. And yes.. i will hurry up and rise up!

Although this year there isn't a lot of communication.. but i thank you for being such a great leader to the zone and always casting vision to move us up another level. Thanks for giving me opportunities time and time again to play for major meetings. Also.. without your sms to ask if i want to join SOT.. i wouldn't have been a proud graduate for this year's SOT! THANK YOU and i'm looking forward to work with you more in 2008!

I guess you will never have the time to read this because you are busy looking for a girlfriend.. but thanks for the fun times during SOT period. It was great to take our friendship to the next level. Thanks for pushing me for SOT BV and always recommending me to play for CCH. It has gained me a whole lot of experience that i would never have gotten. Thanks for the blessings and friendship!

Yes yes.. i know i'm your first friend in the church and i'm honored to be the one. From E99 to where you are now.. it has always been encouraging to see you rising up so fast at a short time. I hope in 2008 your gonna achieve what you've set your mind to do! Thanks for always lending a listening ear and i thank God for you as one of my closer female friends!

8 years of friendship.. of course i won't forget to mention you! From your nerdy spect look to now.. you indeed have changed a lot! Thanks for always been there and you are another one that i'm always been encouraged just by looking at where you are now. of course.. never give up and i shall see you leading very soon. This shall be the year!

I really thank you for showing me the way to relate to people/cgm/new friends! Although i'm still far from it cos like what jared has said.. i'm really not a S person. I can't relate the way you do but i will do so and learn to love the people fervently! You indeed have made a difference in my life!

Noah Arkian and W212 and SOT friends!
I can't mention everyone of you.. but you know who you are. Just thank God for you guys. always been there and always doing things that amazed me. Let's rock 2008 together for Jesus!

All my friends!
Thanks for impacting/teaching/encouraging/inspiring me in 2007!

And of course.. the most important of all.. God. Thanks for being so forgiving and gracious to me. I will never be where i am if not for you. Thank you and 2008 shall be an adventurous year with you!!

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