Tuesday, November 17, 2009

i must say this.. that i'm really hooked on to tumblr! It's so called the easier way to blog, and i really think it is!

I can reblog someone's photo and quote and comment with everything at one go!

Now you know why i am neglecting this blog of mine because.. i'm just blogging away on tumblr.

Other than that, the recent few weeks has passed so quickly.. many things have changed i must say.. except my job. HAH.. am really thinking of doing part time for a degree.. i was really wrong when i say in marketing.. what u need is a diploma.. experience counts for everything.. but a dip will only push you to the job you want when you have the sufficient experience.. and that is gonna take so darn long. well.. i'm just leaving everything as it is for now as i continue my hunt for the most ideal (NV WILL THERE BE ONE) job at this point of time.

If i dont get out.. i will get suck into this environment. EARLY RETIREMENT.
I just need to trust. i don't want to listen to what the world or everyone else's opinion. You're the guide.

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