Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Camp CastAway - AWEEESOME!

Camp CastAway can be describe by 1 word! - Experiential!

This year's was a a little different as we ventured to the island instead of the usual school's setting. It was challenging because it was our first ever island camp and there were a lot of things to take note of!

But all the hard work paid off when we saw everyone enjoying themselves to the MAX!

Here's a little preview about the camp...

We reached St John's Island around 11am and all were excited to start this adventure!

We gathered the people in the "Prison Cage" where we did a quick briefing before everyone went to their respective room and then gathered to the meeting room for the opening of the camp!

After all the camp orientation, we had lunch and all ready for Team Building Games! Very FUN and of course.. the waterbomb was the highlight!

And of course.. the night was still young at 12am when we woke all of them up for our anticipated night game!

We tortured them like never before with the limited resources! HAHA, we purposely picked those who are timid and seem to be fearful of our station. That's why Joseph and I were there at that station! Joseph were supposed to move around to different stations but with his evil nature kicking in, he decided to stay in the Cage till the game ended!

2nd day we had our telematch, cum terrain water fight which was very very exciting!

After that the people break for their final drama rehearsal...

Finale -

Drama was super good! Well-prepared. So much better compared to last year.

The spoof award was super funny! With the Flasher award which was spoofed by Lim Tian Yi being the funniest!

Every good thing has to come to an end, so we praised the best we can and ended with a fellowship song which left most of us.. feeling a bit... You know what i mean..

So it was a very good camp with many new things and new people working on them.

Thanks to all the committee and everyone who made this camp possible!


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