Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Easter Production 2009

It's 4 more days to EASTER! Very excited about it because this year's drama production is gonna get BIGGER & BETTER!

What is this year's drama production about?

The FINAL SOLUTION (A New Messiah)

This drama aims to answer some scientific questions and through it, portraying Faith, Hope and Love. Believe that it's gonna be double the awesome-ness!

Anyway Lucas and Tim will be involved in this year's drama as well! Tell me how is it not gonna be awesome?!

Do remember to bring along your friends and loved ones for such a time as this! Come and discover the true meaning of Easter!

Anyway, E316, let's do it! This is the season of fulfillment of what we have been praying and asking for!

Hab 2:1-4!

Let's stand upon the Promise of God!

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