Thursday, March 5, 2009

My First Bangkok Trip in 10 years.

Hello! Promise will update on my Bangkok Trip, so here it is! A lot of you especially those i saw last week would have already heard what has happened!

So... now for those who hasn't heard it... here it goes!

We took the first flight out from SIN to BKK which is at 710am. All of us had to wake up really early just to check in an hour before we flew off. Apparently, jeremy and ying didn't sleep at all. i wonder how they do that.

We were really excited about this trip because all of us had something in common!

To get out of Singapore and SHOP SHOP SHOP!

So there goes the 2hrs flight with Tiger Airways and the rest spent most of the time playing Daidee while i took the chance to catch some sleep before the never-ending shopping comes.

After reaching BKK, we headed straight to Pratunam Area as our hotel is located there. I must say.. we really made the right choice on deciding to stay in Citin Pratunam. I have read so many comments in Tripadvisor and this was one that really caught my attention. It is value for money, convenient, CLEAN, and the staff are very friendly as well. As i'm a clean freak, which i think i am.. really made me choose this 3-Star hotel above others.


LOL, this is what i saw... they OPENED.

Anyway, after settling some administration, we headed straight to Chatuchak Weekend Market (JJ Market) . But before we went there, we were tricked to go to this Jewelry Place so that those Tuk-Tuk Drivers can go and redeem their gasoline vouchers. OMG. To think we are really kind-hearted to give them more than what they requested because we thought they really earn very little..

Alright, upon arrival at JJ Market,  we headed straight for shopping without the thought of settling our stomach. haha That was how eager we were. and within a few mins.. The girls had a few bags already. HAHA. We went separate ways to maximise our shopping.


See.. Quite sad right.. It was HOT HOT HOT and we didn't really buy a lot of things there.. UNLIKE THE GIRLS. hahaa.

That trip to JJ Market occupied our first half the day and we were thirsty, hungry and tired. So we decided to treat ourselves to a good meal at Kuang Seafood. The food was not too bad and we also decided to treat ourselves to MASSAGE. no.. i'm not going to repeat the whole process here but it was kind of.. weird.. if you know about it.

So we had an early night and the next day we went to the Pratunam Market and Platinum Mall. It was really a great time of shopping there because i think there's more things for guys to look at and buy. Shop and shop..


One of the stall owners, which i bought t shirts from recommended us to this Japanese Restaurant at Central World, apparently a high class place. After shopping, we decided to go and try it! On the way there...




The place is called Sabushi and it's really quite nice! Free flow drinks, ice cream and fried stuff. So within the given 1hr and 15 mins by the restaurant, we ate and ate.. and it cost us only $12 dollars or so! Value for Money!

Next.. after the dinner, we headed down to Patpong to take a look at their Red-Light District. Basically nothing much there.. the highlight was us entering into the GAY LANE and we almost got pushed/pulled/dragged in by those pimps. It was like what angelina said.. overwhelming but kind of cool to encounter this. hahaa.

Well, we went back to the same massage place and i was massaged by a Tranee! Thanks to the 2 girls. THANK YOU AH. Back to hotel, we played games after games, and... see what we did as forfeit..


Next day was nothing much because we went to MBK! Overrated Shopping. Really wasted our time! And because we need to travel by cab or tuktuk.. we again.. were taken to the Jewelry Shop... I tried to be a Hongkonger, but that lady knows how to speak Cantonese! Gosh.. i was like.. Oh man.. but yar.. really disappointing.



We traveled a lot because we met up with other group of friends that were there for shopping trip too. We went by cab to somewhere near the airport, played some games while waiting for everyone to be ready and we traveled down to this place that is ultra ULU.  Went there by a big pick up which ferried all 13 of us.


Outside Shannen's Aunt's House.

The shopping mall has no people and we ate at this MK Restaurant. Had fun talking and crapping.

We headed to Chinatown.. then to this small night market which again.. the girls had the best out of the place. HA..

The last day, we did some last min shopping and till about 4+ we headed to the airport..


These are the luggage. Busy squeezing everything into our bags.

At the Airport....


Ying tried to teach me how to stick the seaweed on the front tooth. SUCCEEDED after many attempts.

















This is it! HAHA really enjoyed this trip a lot. Though like a lot of people and what we think... the combination was kind of weird, but we really had fun together! Looking forward to the next trip! :).

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