Saturday, October 11, 2008

Tuesday Meeting

Some time to kill while waiting for my lunch... (OK.. i know. it's food again) I'm looking at my previous entry, the TUMMY..

Decided to pen down the experience during Tuesday meeting.. I thought it will be just some discussion and praying which will bring us through the night.

Never to know something begin to change after the worship song, where bro edmund took over the guitar and led the worship. We dwelled in the presence of God for a long time.. That moment slows everyone of us down and we begin to enter to another level.. It felt so close.. and it brought back whatever God had spoke to me.. those important words, those moment of breakthrough.. the cell group meeting with W212 at one of the nights.. which literally changed everything around for me.. 2006 Pastor Phil's Weekend Conference on my birthday.. It just refreshes me once again..

Man.. there's more to come, with 3 months to go.... greater things are still to be done!

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