Monday, September 29, 2008



Increase your giving by addition, reap an addition blessing. Increase your giving by multiplication, reap a multiplying blessing. Not just the 30, 60.. but the 100 fold.

I felt challenged by today's message. It was that moment.. that i had an amount in my heart already. It was a struggle.. thinking if it is possible. But just got to trust.. If God has done it once and twice.. He will do it again and again.

Look at the 2 taiwan trips, the first blessing that amount to $1,000 and the following of $700 worth. And again. another $800 worth and blessings that comes in and out.

But more than that, its not just the blessing that challenges me to sow. But the visualisation of something great that God can do in my life. I'm sowing for my destiny, i'm sowing to people's destiny. I'm sowing life for the lives.

I'm really excited. Most excited ever for a building fund.

Have you heard from God? :)

I'm all ready.


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