Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Another week to pass

So far, this week has been awesome and a healthy week. Been eating lesser and doing sports and running in the evening. I'm really feeling healthier haha.

Well, also a difficult week because i think i'm really using up my cash a little too fast. Actually i should have gotten $100 from the GST credit pay off but i think my finance department is waiting to give it one shot together with my pay.. which is coming this week. Oh man, i really need blessing like come on, break the windows and just pour down the blessing pls.. God.

Yesterday, we had a tremendous time praying over the prayer list and had a good time with the Lord. BET laid hands and we could feel that presence so strong when we began to sing a old song which was first introduced to me by Pastor Yong as he led in one of the services. Was really good and wanting bring in a greater level of presence in the cg this week!

2 months has passed from the very 1st time i got into this department and one word can simply sum up everything.. BUSY. Well, although i'm really thankful for God that this job is really a great one compared to so many other vocations, but it's really not easy when you have to handle things from 5 different regular officers. Well, how i wish my vocation is really just SA to Head Provost or rather Data Registration Officer. But well i guess it is a good stretch for me and like what Kenny say to me on monday while we were resting after a game of Bball, don't waste your time and just do and learn as much as possible. Well, i guess it's really true just that i don't really like how they do things and its a lot more troublesome than it should be.. Slowly.. Slowly.. i will bring about a change there! Hopefully!

Another full-packed 4 days to go! Till then!

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